NORMA Group SE is the parent company of NORMA Group. Its headquarters are located at Edisonstrasse 4, Maintal, Germany, and the Company is registered in the commercial register of Hanau under the number HRB 94473. NORMA Group SE is a capital market-oriented corporation within the meaning of Section 264d of the German Commercial Code (HGB) and is therefore to be considered a large corporation within the meaning of Section 267 (3) sentence 2 HGB.

NORMA Group SE acts as the formal legal holding of NORMA Group. In addition to holding investments, the management of the Group’s own brand rights is the main task of NORMA Group SE. NORMA Group SE generates income from the profit transfers and distributions of its subsidiaries and from the granting of licenses to affiliated companies that depends on the results that the subsidiaries actually achieve. Furthermore, it is responsible for Strategy, Human Resources, Legal and M&A, Compliance, Internal Auditing and Risk Management as well as communicating with the Company’s important target audiences, in particular the capital market and shareholders.

The Management Report of NORMA Group SE and the Group Management Report of NORMA Group have been combined in accordance with Section 315 (5) HGB in conjunction with Section 298 (2) HGB. The Annual Financial Statements of NORMA Group SE and the Consolidated Financial Statements, which have been issued with an unqualified audit opinion by the KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Frankfurt/Main, are simultaneously filed for publishing in the company register.


These contents are part of the Non-financial Group Report and were subject to a separate limited assurance examination.